The Bibliography of British and Irish History (BBIH) provides records of over 627,600 publications (books, journal articles, and chapters in edited collections) relating to British and Irish history.
The Bibliography defines British and Irish history very broadly, and includes extensive records on histories of race, empire and migration.
Below is a list of a selection of BBIH records that relate to environmental history, which is the theme of History Day 2021. Collaboratively created between the Institute of Historical Research and Senate House Library, History Day is a free annual one-day event that brings together students, researchers and anyone with an interest in history with professionals from archives, libraries, publishers and other organisations with history collections from the UK and beyond. History Day 2021 will be taking place on Thursday 4 November 2021.
The full list offers 575 recent publications focusing on attitudes to nature and the environment. These books, articles and chapters were published between 2016 and 2021, and are ordered by year of publication (starting with the most recently published). Our coverage of recently published titles is ongoing, and further records will be added in future updates of the Bibliography.
Below is just a sample of publications – for the full list of 575 publications please visit:
Records for journal articles may include a ‘Full text’ link.
This link will take you to the abstract of the article via the publisher’s website. If you have access to a library that subscribes to the journal, you’ll then be able to go straight to the full text (you may need to log on to your institutional library). Some books also have ‘Full text’ links: these connect to ebook or free Open Access versions of the work where they’ve been made available by the publisher.
You can learn more about using the Bibliography by visiting our page of online tutorials, which include the basics for searching and how to use your results as well as a behind-the-scenes guide to how the BBIH is compiled. Short video guides are designed for new undergraduates, for those planning and researching a final year dissertation, and Masters and PhD students for whom BBIH is essential for writing a literature review and studying secondary fields of interest. For lecturers, teachers and librarians, the Bibliography’s online tutorials can all be embedded in a virtual learning environment (VLE).
1) Mimicry and display in Victorian literary culture : nature, science and the nineteenth-century imagination
Will Abberley
Cambridge Studies in Nineteenth-Century Literature and Culture, 123 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020)
2) The British Catholic debate over vivisection, 1876 – 1914: a common theology but differing applications
William M. Abbott
British Catholic History, 34.3 (2019) 451-477 Full text
3)Towards an Environmental History of Nineteenth-Century Dublin
Juliana Adelman
in: Nature and the environment in nineteenth-century Ireland, ed. by Matthew Kelly, Society for the Study of Nineteenth-Century Ireland (Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2019), pp. 139-158. Full text
4) Science Policy under Thatcher
Jon Agar
(London: UCL Press, 2019) Full text
5) Green Victorians : the simple life in John Ruskin’s Lake District
Vicky Albritton & Fredrik Albritton Jonsson
(Chicago: Chicago University Press, 2016)
6) The Natural History of the Houyhnhnms : Noble Horses in Gulliver’s Travels
Bryan Alkemeyer
The Eighteenth Century [Lubbock], 57.1 (2016) 23-37
7) ‘An incredibly vile sport’ : Campaigns against Otter Hunting in Britain, 1900–39
Daniel Allen , Charles Watkins & David Matless
Rural History, 27.1 (2016) 79-101 Full text
About: The Bibliography of British and Irish History is a research and publishing project of the UK’s Institute of Historical Research and Royal Historical Society and the publisher Brepols. Full access to BBIH’s 627,600 records is via subscription: many UK and overseas university and research libraries subscribe and provide full access to members.
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